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fixedimprovedAndroid Release - 2412.1.0
Enhancements & Fixes Fixes & Improvements Fixed issue where read-only hyperlinks could not be tapped and opened. General fixes and improvements Download on the Play Store * We utilize phased roll outs of our application which means there will be times where not all users are on the latest version. To see what version of the application you are on, check the settings view for your current Fulcrum App version.
fixedimprovediOS Release - 2412.1.0
Enhancements & Fixes Fixes & Improvements - General fixes and improvements Download on the App Store * We utilize phased roll outs of our application which means there will be times where not all users are on the latest version. To see what version of the application you are on, check the settings view for your current Fulcrum App version.
improvedfixedAndroid Release - 2412.0.1
Enhancements & Fixes Fixes & Improvements - Fix an issue adding photos and record links Download on the Play Store * We utilize phased roll outs of our application which means there will be times where not all users are on the latest version. To see what version of the application you are on, check the settings view for your current Fulcrum App version.