Latest Updates
improvedSee What Your Clients and Agents Actually See
When you click the "Client View" or "Client/Agent View" buttons on the Inspection Details page, you'll now see an accurate preview of how your client portal appears to your customers. This update ensures you see the complete client portal interface exactly as your clients see it, including all available features and functionality, such as add-on request options. To help you navigate these preview modes more effectively, we've also added clear status messages in the client portal that indicate when you're viewing it as a client or agent. These messages remind you that any actions taken while in preview mode will be performed on behalf of that user. Please note that these status indicators are currently only available in our new client portal interface.
newPer-Item Search (Beta Web Editor)
We have added an additional search to the beta Web Editor that allows searching in a specific item vs the entire report.
improvedfixedVersion 10.19.1
Photo Fixes: Annotator showing a black screen. Volume buttons not working for rapid fire camera. Black screen when loading the camera with a flashlight on. Other improvements: Fixed: Comment titles cutting off. Fixed: Reinspection category throwing error when saving to template. Fixed: iPads not defaulting to the first section/item.